Critical Vote Expected As Early As Tuesday, September 14 We urge you to contact your Senators TODAY and tell them to oppose all attempts to use the Prevention and Public Health Fund (Fund) as an offset, including an amendment that is expected to be offered as early as Tuesday, September 14, by Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) to the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act.
The creation this year of the Fund as part of the Affordable Care Act marked an historic investment Congress in much-needed preventive services, community level prevention and public health. The Fund is urgently needed to address the many emerging health threats our country faces and the persistent chronic disease rates, including behavioral health conditions, which we must begin to control.
But this critical funding is in jeopardy even before it has a chance to reach its goal of expanding and sustaining investment in prevention and public health programs.
Sen. Johanns’ amendment would use the Fund as an offset to the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act, which the Senate will consider tomorrow. If passed, the amendment would eliminate the Fund and mark a severe blow to efforts to transform our health system and promote healthier lives.
It is critical that you tell your Senator to protect this investment in public health and VOTE NO on JOHANNS AMENDMENT!